We may not have it all together but together we have it all!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


So today my dad post is about work. My dad is probably the most hard working man I know. He has been able to do a little more playing the last 8 years or so, but he earned it! He grew up learning how to work on the farm. When he decided that he was going to be a brick mason he worked hard to learn to be one of the best. About 25 years ago he started his own business, Melling Masonry. It took lots of time, and sweat but his company became renowned throughout the state for quality work. He has built many of the buildings at Southern Utah University as well as in Cedar and all around southern Utah. There was a time when the Walmart corporation wanted him to travel nation wide to build their stores and warehouses ( he declined ). As the business progressed he spent more time in the office and less time "on the wall". Which I know sometimes he missed. He was not only successful at the laborious part of the business, but also the business part. He taught us to be persistent and do our best no matter what we were doing. I have found that in my life as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, nurse and friend (and what ever may come up that day...) work is key, and I am grateful to parents who taught me that early on in my life.

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